
Option Value
pastey_version 0.5.1
behind_proxy False
blacklist_cidr []
data_directory /app/data
default_theme Light
force_https_links False
force_show_recent False
guess_threshold 0.2
ignore_guess ['TeX', 'SQL']
listen_port 5000
minimum_url_length 5
purge_interval 3600
rate_limit 5/hour
recent_pastes 10
restrict_pasting False
show_cli_button True
use_whitelist True
whitelist_cidr ['', '', '', '']

Download Script

Pastey provides a script that can be used to paste output directly from the command line:

$ pastey -f /var/log/nginx.log
$ echo "Hello, Pastey!" | pastey -c -

Download the following, make it executable, and put it in your system PATH to be used anywhere!

Usage: pastey [-h] [-e] [-f INFILE] [-s] [-t title] [-x time_hrs] [-- command]

  CLI interface to pastey.
  Available options:
  -h, --help      Print this help and exit
  -e, --encrypt   Encrypt the paste content
  -f, --file		Read the content from this file.
  -s, --single    Create a paste that expires after the first view
  -t, --title     Set the title of the paste
  -x, --expiration
                  Set the time in hours after which the paste expires
                  (Default is expiration is disabled)
  --              Stop further option parsing
                  Arguments passed after the -- option are evaluated
                  as a command, and that command's output is pasted.
                  The full command is used as the title.
  If zero arguments are passed,
  or none of --file or -- are passed,
  content is read from stdin.


You can also send a properly-formatted json POST request to /json:

  "content": "This is a paste",
  "title": "Interesting title",
  "expiration": -1,
  "encrypt": true,
  "single": false

Note that expiration is some value in hours, and that -1 = no expiration date. Only the content field is mandatory.